Sue here, again. Jorge is back from Springtime in the South, and will begin posting to BirdingUruguay after he organizes his MANY photos!
So, I once again followed my favorite path down to the Willimantic River on a beautiful sunny Sunday. I had been lying on the couch with a cold for the better part of the week, but today was too beautiful to stay indoors. 65 degrees (19C) and a very pleasant sort of humidity - perfect for my sorry sinuses.
Yes, this started out to be a birding blog, but it sure is easier to photograph plants, insects and scenery!
Verbascum thapsus,
Common Mullein, family Scrophulariaceae, order Lamiales. Growing on a rock in the Willimantic River, with nothing but moss underfoot.
Sympetrum rubicundulum, Ruby Meadowhawk, family Libellulidae, order Odonata. There were several pair out and about, in the quiet cove of the river. This dragonfly, to entomologists, is a sure sign of winter approaching - reminiscent of the Dark-eyed Junco,
Junco hyemalis, for us birders. As I write this, I'm sharing a room with an entomologist-colleague at work - hence the excellent identification, and the lore.
Sympetrum rubicundulum, Ruby Meadowhawk. Basking on an old log in the cove.
Dolichovespula maculata,
White-faced Hornet, nest, family Vespidae, order Hymenoptera. This creation is about 14 x 9" (40 x 23cm)- suspended right out over the river. Click on the photo to enlarge, and see the detail of the "paper" created by the wasps.
Oh, and I do have a short bird list for my efforts:Downy Woodpecker,
Picoides pubescensMourning Dove,
Zenaida macrouraAmerican Crow,
Corvus brachyrhynchosBlue Jay,
Cyanocitta cristataBlack-capped Chickadee,
Poecile atricapillaTufted Titmouse,
Baeolophus bicolorWhite-breasted Nuthatch,
Sitta carolinensisAmerican Goldfinch,
Carduelis tristisAnd I might as well include the assorted mammals:Eastern Gray Squirrel,
Sciurus carolinensis - two, kept a wary eye on me, but didn't scold!
American Red Squirrel,
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus - at least four, in varying shades of orange and brown
Feral House Cat,
Felis domesticus - a gray one, with white bib, lurking behind the barn